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4 Ways To Build Know, Like And Trust With Your Blog Content

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With social media, you have endless opportunities for your audience to get to know you.

Maybe you’ve shared your expertise, but you’ve likely also posted a picture of your breakfast, the contents of your purse, and a beautiful view from the drop-off line at school this morning.

There’s time to build a connection naturally, over many many posts and stories.

But with your blog, the situation is different.

Visitors typically land on your content through a search, and they don’t have the luxury of leisurely getting to know you.

You have need to make an impression, build trust, and show that you’re the right person to help them- all within that first blog post.

And here’s the kicker: Building trust isn’t just good for your audience, it’s great (and dare I say, essential) for your SEO, too.

Google values content that reflects experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) and the strategies I’m going to share help you do both: connect with your readers and get Google’s attention.

So how do you “short-cut” connection, even with so-called “cold traffic”?

It comes down to creating content that gives people a peek at the real you- your stories, your opinions, your face and your integrity.

Here are four ways you can do that with just your blog content.

1. Use Personal Stories

One of the best ways to build trust and connection through your content is by sharing experiences.

Talk about what you’ve learned, whether it’s from working with clients, your own transformation, or perfecting your methods over time.

This isn’t about rattling off facts for the sake of rattling off facts. It’s about strategic storytelling- showing your readers that you have first-hand experience in common with them .

Personal stories make your content feel real.

In blog posts about pelvic health I’ve shared about my own pelvic health struggles during and after my pregnancies.

In blog posts about postpartum exercise, I’ve shared about my personal experience to returning to exercise after having a baby. 

In a blog post about business systems, I shared about the challenge of running a business during breast cancer treatment and how that helped me refine my own systems. 

In blog posts about SEO, I’ve shared my entrepreneurial journey that led me to discover the power of SEO to market my business.

Get personal. Be vulnerable. It might be a little uncomfortable at times.

But your stories makes it clear that you’re not just some armchair expert, but a real human who’s been in your readers’ shoes.

And that’s something AI-generated content just can’t pull off.

Incorporating personal elements humanizes your content makes it more sticky and engaging.

It cultivates that all-important “know, like, and trust” that makes readers want to hang out, perhaps share an email address, and maybe even reach out to work with you.

2. Share Your Perspectives, Insights and Opinions

Information is everywhere.

If your content is just a rehash of what’s already out there, it’s going to get lost in the noise.

What keeps readers coming back to you is your unique take on things. Your uncopyable perspective.

Sharing your insights and opinions not only makes your content stand out but also positions you as a thought leader in your space.

People aren’t just searching for generic advice, they’re looking for someone to point them in a direction, help make a decision or solve a problem.

So, don’t be afraid to offer your take on a topic.

Challenge common misconceptions, offer novel solutions, or explain why you do things differently.

Set yourself apart from everyone else and give readers a reason to choose you over the other guy.

Plus, when you confidently share your opinions and experiences, you show that you’ve got the know-how to back up what you’re saying.

It makes you appear more credible and helps establish a connection with readers who’ll start to see you as their go-to expert.

3. Show Yo' Face!

Sure, Canva’s library of stock photos is a godsend, but those stock photos can’t build trust the way your own photos and videos can.

When readers see your face, your workspace, or your clients (with permission, of course), it gives them a peek behind the curtain. 

If you’re a birth doula, for example, share photos or videos of yourself demonstrating comfort techniques and birthing positions.

If you’re a personal trainer, use photos of your training space and exercise demos you’ve recorded.

If you’re a website designer? Share screenshots of your work or photos of you at your workstation.

As an added bonus, because original visuals are way more engaging they actually help to keep readers on your page longer.

When people stick around, clicking through your website and watching your videos, Google take notice.

It signals that real people find your work helpful and worth showing to others, which is a win for your SEO, too.

I get that you might be nervous about showing your face or recording a video. But if you’re running an online business, this is a mental block that you have to push through.

There’s just no better shortcut to building trust than seeing someone’s face.

4. Lead with Transparency and Integrity

Trust is hard to earn, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like health and wellness.

That’s why transparency is so important.

Readers want to know who’s giving them advice and why they should listen.

So, give them that information upfront.

Easy ways to do this?

1) Include an author bio at the end of your post.

Share a quick spiel that highlights your background, experience, and why you’re the person they should trust. For example, if you’re a pelvic floor physical therapist writing about postpartum recovery, mentioning your qualifications instantly boosts your credibility.

2) Stay within your lane.

Readers can spot it from a mile away if you’re talking beyond your expertise, and it can quickly undermine their trust in you.

Sticking to what you know best shows that you respect your audience’s need for reliable, accurate information.

And, if you’re making bold claims or sharing statistics? Back them up!

3) Cite reputable sources or link to studies.

This not only shows you’ve done your homework, but it also reassures readers that you’re not just throwing out baseless facts.

Plus, citing sources is a habit that aligns with what Google looks for in high-quality, trustworthy content.

Keep The Conversation Going

The beauty of your blog is that it’s evergreen. It’s going to keep working for you, bringing in new searchers over time.

The challenge?

Most of those visitors are “cold”, they’re finding you for the first time.

They’ve stumbled across your content because they were searching for something specific, but how do you turn that first impression into a lasting connection?

Throughout your post, sprinkle in calls to action (CTAs) that gently guide readers to explore more, whether it’s linking to another blog post, inviting them to join your email list, or offering a free download (also, with the goal of collecting an email).

Provide a clear path to keep the conversation going.

Your goal should not just be to get traffic to your website.

Your goal is not just to build know, like and trust to fluff your ego.

Your goal is to attract an audience with great content, seed a connection and ultimately get them on your email list where you can continue to nurture them over time.

Writing a blog post without a great call to action is like starting a conversation and then walking away mid-sentence. You miss the chance to build a lasting relationship.

TL;DR: Content = connection

Your content is more than an encyclopedia, it’s your chance to create  connections with real humans whom you can help.

By sharing personal stories, insights, your photos, you’re building the kind of trust that turns first-time readers into email subscribers and clients.

Plus, you’re giving search engines exactly what they want: valuable, human-centered content.

Sure, it takes effort to build that “know, like, and trust” factor, especially with cold traffic.

But when you show up as your self and give readers a reason to keep coming back, your content becomes a long-term asset, working for you long after you’ve published it.

Want more strategies to turn first-time readers into subscribers and clients?

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Photo of Laura Jawad looking into the distance
Laura Jawad, Ph.D. is an SEO strategist for female service providers and female-founded businesses. She offers SEO site reviews, SEO coaching and on-page optimization for wordpress users. Please reach out with questions, schedule a Chemistry call or explore her services page!
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hey, i’m Laura (She/her)

I’m an SEO strategist and systems junkie devoted to helping female health and wellness service providers get found on Google. I’m here to help you fill your client roster without relying on social media.

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